ICPH, in collaboration with Swiss TPH, is pleased to invite you to a PhD thesis defense titled:
"Making Food Safer in Palestine: a One Health Approach to Antimicrobial Resistance,"
Said Abukhattab
12 September 2023
At 3 pm (Palestine time)
Location: Seminar room 5, Swiss TPH, Kreuzstr. 2, CH-4123 Allschwil.
The defense will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Mirko Winkler
Supervisors include:
Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jakob Zinsstag
Second Supervisor: PD Dr. Esther Künzli
External expert: Prof. Dr. Gertraud Schüpbach-Regula
Further Advisor: Prof. Dr. Niveen Abu-Rmeileh
To attend the defense virtually please use the information below:
Link: https://swisstph.zoom.us/j/89875683330?pwd=QlJwODBLbVlxQ3NoWE5GYnhxbHhYQT09
Meeting ID: 898 7568 3330
Passcode: 184177