Call for Abstracts
The Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) Thirteenth Annual Conference
June 4-6 2024
“Health of Palestinians”
The Institute of Community and Public Health (ICPH) at Birzeit University (BZU), in collaboration with the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) at the American University of Beirut (AUB), is pleased to invite submissions of abstracts for presentation at the upcoming LPHA 2024 Thirteenth Annual Conference “Health of Palestinians,” which will be held in hybrid format at Birzeit University and from remote on June 4-6 2024.
The LPHA comprises a collaboration of Palestinian, regional and international researchers, committed to the highest scientific standards in describing, analyzing and evaluating the health and health care of Palestinians, in order to contribute to the international scientific literature and to develop local evidence-based policy and practices. Activities include: developing measurement and other scientific methods that are culture-specific; increasing capacity for research; encouraging advocacy based on science; and promoting academic collaboration within the occupied Palestinian territory, across the region, and the globe.
For the LPHA’s thirteenth Annual Conference, of priority interest are studies that address issues of current relevance to Palestinian health involving new ideas and approaches, using rigorous methodology, and providing results within a policy framework. The focus of studies can be on issues of relevance to the following four major themes:1) aspects of health that have been impacted by the Israeli occupation; 2) social and political determinants, as well as biological, behavioral, health services and environmental factors influencing health; 3) human security, equity, and human rights as principles that govern health; and 4) evaluations of clinical and public health practices.
Abstracts should be between 400-500 words in length, and written in English. The expectation is that structured abstracts will be appropriate for most of the summaries of the research submitted. These should include a. Background and research context, b. Methods, c. Findings, and d. Interpretation whenever appropriate.
In the background section, authors are expected to include a brief summary of what they found in the scientific and grey literature and what inspired their research. All clinical trials need to be registered. Ethical permissions are required where appropriate. Abstracts should also include the full names and affiliations of all abstract authors and the email address of the corresponding author.
Abstracts should be submitted using the link below no later than November 30, 2023. They will be peer-reviewed by an expert committee composed of Palestinian, regional, and international scientists. Any abstract that relates to a study for which data are currently unavailable but expected to be available for presentation at the conference should be accompanied by a copy of the study protocol.
Participants will be informed by mid-February 2024 whether their submission has been successful in being selected for presentation at the conference, either as oral presentations or as posters. Selected abstracts will be collated and distributed by email to conference attendees.
Authors of selected abstracts should submit slides when appropriate for face-to-face oral presentations and recordings for remote oral presentations to support a 15-minute presentation or the full text for poster presentations. These should be sent by email, no later than May 10, 2024. Deadlines will be strictly adhered to.
ِِAuthors are encouraged to note the following before submitting their abstracts:
1. Consider research questions that add new knowledge to what is known already, and not duplicating what have been researched previously in the local context. This requires authors to review the local and international literature prior to selecting research topics and conducting their study. Literature reviews are also essential in identifying research designs and methods that are appropriate for the chosen research question.
2. Make sure to add to the abstract a research context, which summarizes previous research in terms of what was done and highlight the study’s unique contributions.
3. Check abstracts for plagiarism before submission. Authors can employ online plagiarism detection tools.
To submit abstracts please follow the following link:
If you have any questions or problems submitting your abstract, please contact us at [email protected]