Students and Alumni

Current Students 2021/2022


At the beginning of the current academic year, 8 students were admitted to the MPH program, bringing the total number of enrolled students attending the first and second year MPH program to 31. Our students are residents of various regions of the West Bank, although they are mostly residents of the central West Bank regions of Ramallah/al-Bireh and East Jerusalem. Their disciplines are varied: almost one third of our students are health professionals, such as physicians, dentists, and nurses. About one third is allied health professionals, such as pharmacists, nutritionists, and the rest have backgrounds in the natural and social sciences or engineering. Some of our students currently hold jobs in various sectors, such as work in governmental organizations (such as ministries), local or international non-governmental health organizations, and the private sector. Others are new graduates or yet unemployed graduates.

ICPH’s alumni to date are 380 persons, 142 men and 238 women. Overall, one-fourth of our alumni are either physicians, dentists or veterinarians, one third are nurses or midwives, one-fourth are part of the allied health professional pool, and the rest have had backgrounds in basic natural or social sciences, economics, or engineering. These alumni occupy positions in various sectors, including governmental institutions (such as ministries, governorates, and municipalities), local and international non-governmental organizations, UNRWA, and the private sector.

ICPH hosts a community and public health forum engaging its graduates, faculty, researchers, staff, and students in maintaining contact with each other. This forum assists in exchanging information and fostering cooperation among the various health, education, environment and social services sectors. Activities include general meetings; alumni assistance in the orientation of new students; encouragement and support of eligible candidates in applying to PhD programs abroad; and organizing and holding the public lecture series using the pool of expertise available at ICPH, Birzeit, and other local universities, and  ’ICPH’s network of international academics and professionals. Through the  ’forum’s email list, members share news, interesting papers, and invitations to health related events. Many of our alumni also maintain close personal contact with the institute. We continue to function as advisors, mentors and a general source of support.  ICPH offers continuing education opportunities to it alumni, with many attending the special training schemes and public lectures offered on a regular basis.

Sharing the values of justice in life and in health, human rights and ethics, students and alumni have become advocates for change. This can be noted by the changes achieved by alumni and students in their places of work; but it is also evident in their contributions to regional, national and international meetings, conferences and policy level debates. While policy change at the upper levels is possible but can also be difficult, improved practices and de facto policy making at the mid-level can be a successful strategy. While this is true for many, some alumni have reported frustration and disappointment because of their inability to turn what they learned into practice, given various structural constraints impeding change. The periodic states of intensified emergency are additional impediments to improving practice. Projects and programs are often interrupted in order to address crises. This slows down development, and as a result, the question of whether we are able to combine system development requirements with crisis management continues to be raised as a challenge.