Suzan Mitwalli

Academic Researcher

Latest Publications

  1. Bates, K., Leone, T., Ghandour, R., Mitwalli, S., Nasr, S., Coast, E., & Giacaman, R. (2017). Women’s health in the occupied Palestinian territories: Contextual influences on subjective and objective health measures. PloS one, 12(10), e0186610.
  2. Destremau, B., Giacaman, R., Harb, M., Herrera, L., Mexi, M., Mitwalli, S., ... & Zambelli, E. (2017). The dilemmas of the European Union's open access to data policy. The Lancet, 390(10090), 122-123.
  3. Abu-Rmeileh, N. M., Gianicolo, E. A. L., Bruni, A., Mitwali, S., Portaluri, M., Bitar, J., ... & Vigotti, M. A. (2016). Cancer mortality in the West Bank, occupied Palestinian territory. BMC public health, 16(1), 1-10.
  4. Al-Khatib, I. A., & Al-Mitwalli, S. M. (2009). Food sanitation practices in restaurants of Ramallah and Al-Bireh district of Palestine. Eastern Mediterranean health journal, 15(4), 951–958.
  5. Al-Khatib I., Al-Mitwalli S. (2007).  Restaurant Environment and its possible effects on food safety: a case study of restaurants in a Palestinian district. Jordan Medical Journal, 41(3), 145-152.