Weeam Hammoudeh

Assistant Professor
+970-2-2982020 ext: 2260

Latest Publications

  1. Hammoudeh, W, Jabr, S, Helbich, M, Sousa, C. (2020) On Mental Health Amid Covid-19. Journal of Palestine Studies, 49 (4): 77–90. doi: https://doi.org/10.1525/jps.2020.49.4.77
  2. Hammoudeh, W., Kienzler, H., Meagher, K., & Giacaman, R. (2020). Social and political determinants of health in the occupied Palestine territory (oPt) during the COVID-19 pandemic: who is responsible?. BMJ Global Health, 5(9), e003683.
  3. Khatib, A., & Hammoudeh, W. (2019). Youth wellbeing and its determinants in the occupied Palestinian territory. The Lancet, 393, S34.
  4. Hammoudeh, W., Khatib, A., Masoud, D., Mitwalli, S., & Nasr, S. (2019). Well-being and its determinants from the perspective of the Palestinian youth in the occupied Palestinian territory. The Lancet, 393, S28.
  5. Terzioğlu, A., & Hammoudeh, W. (2017). Coping with cancer diagnosis and treatment: a comparative study on women with breast cancer in Turkey and occupied Palestinian territory. Reproductive Health Matters, 25(sup1), 35-46.
  6. Hammoudeh, W., Hogan, D., & Giacaman, R. (2017). From a death sentence to a disrupted Life: Palestinian Women’s experiences and coping with Breast Cancer. Qualitative health research, 27(4), 487-496.
  7. Hammoudeh, W., Hogan, D., & Giacaman, R. (2013). Quality of life, human insecurity, and distress among Palestinians in the Gaza Strip before and after the Winter 2008–2009 Israeli war. Quality of life research, 22(9), 2371-2379.
  8. Abu-Rmeileh, N. M., Hammoudeh, W., Mataria, A., Husseini, A., Khawaja, M., Shannon, H. S., ... & Giacaman, R. (2011). Health-related Quality of life of Gaza Palestinians in the aftermath of the winter 2008–09 Israeli attack on the Strip. The European Journal of Public Health, 22(5), 732-737.
  9. Ziadni, M., Hammoudeh, W., Rmeileh, N. M. A., Hogan, D., Shannon, H., & Giacaman, R. (2011). Sources of human insecurity in post-war situations: The case of Gaza. Journal of Human Security, 7(3).